Jared Corbo
Property of Marvel Comics
Vital statistics
Name Jared Corbo
Aliases Radius
Relatives Angelo Unuscione (Unus) (alleged father), unidentified mother, Adrian Corbo (Flex) (half-brother), Carmella Unuscione (alleged sister)
Affiliation Alpha Flight, Beta Flight
Height 6' 0"
Weight 290 lbs
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown

Jared Corbo is a member of Alpha Flight.


Jared and his younger half-brother Adrian (later codenamed Flex) were raised in the Hull House orphanage, which was actually a facility operated by the Canadian government's secretive Department H. While Adrian became shy, reserved and bookish, Jared became athletically inclined, aggressive, and arrogant. Both brothers manifested mutant powers after puberty: Adrian gained the ability to transform parts of his body into blades, while Jared manifested a personal force field that could not be shut down. The brothers were recruited into a new incarnation of the Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight.

Unfinished Business[]

Jared is a member of Beta Flight.

